Final Fantasy X-2

Main Commands


Location: Paine's initial Dressphere

final fantasy x-2 dressphere white mage
Name Description AP MP Required Abilities
Attack Attack one enemy. 0 0 Initially learnt
Sentinel Take less physical damage until next turn. 20 0 -
Flametongue Deal fire damage to one enemy. 20 4 -
Ice Brand Deal ice damage to one enemy. 20 4 -
Thunder Blade Deal lightning damage to one enemy. 20 4 -
Liquid Steel Deal water damage to one enemy. 20 4 -
Demi Sword Deal gravity damage to one enemy. 60 6 Flametongue, Ice Brand, Thunder Blade, and Liquid Steel
Excalibur Deal holy damage to one enemy. 120 24 Demi Sword
Power Break Damage one enemy and lower its Strength. 30 4 -
Armour Break Damage one enemy and lower its Defense. 30 4 -
Magic Break Damage one enemy and lower its Magic. 30 4 -
Mental Break Damage one enemy and lower its Magic Defense. 30 4 Magic Break
Delay Attack Damage one enemy and delay its action. 100 10 Armour Break
Delay Buster Damage one enemy and greatly delay its action. 120 16 Delay Attack
Assualt Cast Berserk, Haste, Shell, and Protect on the party. 100 0 Sentinel
SOS Protect Casts Protect when HP is low. 20 0 Sentinel

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