Final Fantasy X-2

Main Commands

Dark Knight

Location: Chest before fighting Baralai in Bevelle. Chapter 2

final fantasy x-2 dressphere white mage
Name Description AP MP Required Abilities
Attack Attack one enemy. 0 0 -
Darkness Sacrifice 1/8 of current HP to damage all enemies. 0 0 -
Drain Absorb HP from one enemy. 20 8 -
Demi Reduce the HP of all enemies by 1/4. 20 10 -
Confuse Confuse one enemy. 30 12 Demi
Break Petrify one enemy. 40 20 Confuse
Bio Poison one enemy. 30 16 -
Doom Doom one enemy. Enemy is KOd when the count reaches 0. 20 18 Bio
Death Instantly defeat one enemy. Sometimes fails. 50 24 Doom
Black Sky Randomly damages enemies. 100 80 Death
Charon Sacrifice life to heavily damage one enemy. 20 0 -
Poisonproof Guards against Poison. 30 0 -
Stoneproof Guards against Petrification. 30 0 Poisonproof
Confuseproof Guards against Confusion. 30 0 Stoneproof
Curseproof Guards against Curse. 30 0 -
Deathproof Guards against instant Death. 40 0 Curseproof

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