Final Fantasy X-2

Main Commands
Secondary attack abilities
Secondary magic abilities


Location: Get a Mission Complete in all areas but Bevelle, and speak to Brother. Chapter 5


final fantasy x-2 dressphere white mage
Name Description AP MP Required Abilities
Attack Attack an enemy 0 0 -
Moogle Jolt Restores MP to one character. 0 40 -
Moogle Cure Cure one character of status ailments and restore HP 10 0 -
Moogle Regen Casts Haste and Regen on one character. 18 0 -
Moogle Wall Casts Shell and Protect on one character. 18 0 -
Moogle Life Revive one character and fully restore HP/MP 40 0 -
Moogle Curema Restores HP and cures the party's status ailments. 15 40 -
Moogle Regenja Casts Haste and Regen on the party. 25 40 -
Moogle Wallja Casts Shell and Protect on the party. 24 40 -
Moogle Lifeja Revives all party members and fully restores HP/MP. 60 40 -
Moogle Beam Damages one enemy 99 80 *See Bleow*
Ribbon Guards against all status ailments 0 999 *See Bleow*
Auto Shell Automatically casts Shell. 0 80 -
Auto Protect Automatically casts Protect. 0 80 Auto Shell
Swordplay Use Warrior abilities. 0 80 -
Arcana Use Arcana abilities. 0 80 -


Name Description AP MP Required Abilities
Attack Attack an enemy 0 0 -
Cait Fire Fire damage to enemies. Sometimes Poison/Petrification. 12 0 -
Cait Blizzard Ice damage to enemies. Sometimes Poison/Petrification to enemies. 12 0 -
Cait Thunder Thunder to enemies. Sometimes Poison/Petrification 12 0 -
Cait Water Water damage to enemies. Sometimes Poison/Petrification. 12 0 -
Power Eraser Lower Strength of all enemies. 12 40 -
Armor Eraser Lower Defense of all enemies 12 40 -
Magic Eraser Lower Magic of all enemies 12 40 -
Mental Eraser Lower Magic Defense of all enemies 12 40 -
Speed Eraser Lower Evasion of all enemies 12 40 -
PuPu Platter Instantly KO all enemies. Fails sometimes. 48 80 *See Bleow*
Ribbon Guards against all status ailments 0 999 *See Bleow*
Auto Shell Automatically casts Shell. 0 80 -
Auto Protect Automatically casts Protect. 0 80 Auto Shell
Instinct Use Berserker abilities. 0 80 -
White Magic Use White Mage abilities. 0 80 -


Name Description AP MP Required Abilities
Attack Attack an enemy 0 0 -
Dark Knife Inflict damage and Darkness on one enemy. 10 0 -
Silence Knife Inflict damage and Silence on one enemy. 10 0 -
Sleep Knife Inflict damage and Sleep on one enemy. 10 0 -
Berserk Knife Inflict damage and Berserks one enemy. 10 0 -
Poison Knife Inflict damage and Poison on one enemy. 10 0 -
Stone Knife Inflict damage and Petrification on one enemy. 10 0 -
Stop Knife Inflict damage and Stop on one enemy. 10 0 -
Quartet Knife Lower enemy's Strength, Defense, Magic, and Magic Defense 10 0 -
Arsenic Knife Instantly KO enemy. May fail 10 0 -
Cactling Gun Inflict heavy damage on one enemy 99 80 *See Bleow*
Ribbon Guards against all status ailments 0 999 *See Bleow*
Auto Shell Automatically casts Shell. 0 80 -
Auto Protect Automatically casts Protect. 0 80 Auto Shell
Bushido Use Samurai skills 0 80 -
Black Magic Use Black Mage abilities. 0 80 -

* Needs to know the warrior's SOS Protect abilty to gain.

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