Final Fantasy X-2

Main Commands


Location: Defeat all fiends outside of the travel agency in Macalania Woods, then speak to the clerk. Chapter 3

final fantasy x-2 dressphere white mage
Name Description AP MP Required Abilities
Attack Attack an enemy 0 0 -
Berserk Boost strength but lose control of player. 0 0 -
Cripple Halve enemy's HP. 6 20 -
Mad Rush Heavy damage to a enemy, often fails 6 30 Cripple
Crack Down Damage one enemy and nullify Shell, Protect, and Reflect. 6 30 -
Eject Instantly defeat one enemy. May fail 8 40 Mad Rush
Unhinge Damage enemy and lower its Accuracy and Evasion 8 40 Crackdown
Intimidate Inflict damage and Slow on one enemy. 8 50 Unhinge
Envenom Inflict damage and Poison on one enemy 10 30 -
Hurt Damage one enemy according to the user's current HP. 10 60 Envenom
Howl Double user's max HP 0 80 Mad Rush
Itchproof Guard against Itchy 0 20 Cripple
Counterattack Strike back after being physically attacked. 0 180 -
Magic Counter Strike back after being attacked with magic. 0 300 Counterattack
Evade & Counter Evades physical attack and strike back 0 400 Magic Counter
Auto-Regan Automatically casts Regen 0 80 Hurt

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