Final Fantasy VIII

Speak with Cid, before you embark on your quest to Timber. He will then hand you a Magic Lamp. When you feel you are ready, activate the lamp, and you will be taken into a fight with Diablos. Beat him, and you will gain him as a GF.

final fantasy kingdom, final fantasy viii gf diablos
Elemental: None
Attack: Dark Messenger
Level HP Atk. Power
9 730 9% DMG
10 784 10% DMG
20 1326 20% DMG
30 1876 30% DMG
40 2434 40% DMG
50 3000 50% DMG
60 3574 60% DMG
70 4156 70% DMG
80 4746 80% DMG
90 5344 90% DMG
100 5950 100% DMG
Ability AP Opens Ability AP Opens
HP-J 50 HP+20% HP+80% 240 None
MAG-J Learned NONE MAG+20% 60 MAG+40%
Hit-J 120 None MAG+40% 120 None
Abilityx3 Learned None Mug 200 None
Magic Learned None Enc-Half 30 Enc-None
GF Learned None Enc-None 100 None
Draw Learned None GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
Item Learned None GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+30%
Dark 100 None GFHP+30% 140 None
HP+20% 60 HP+40% Time MAG-RF 30 None
HP+40% 120 HP+80% ST MAG-RF 30 None

At first, Diablos seems pretty weak in the attack department. Sometimes doing less than 100 Pt's in damage. But once he gets some levels under his belt, he becomes one of the most lethal GF's in the game. That said, there are more enemies than not, that are immune to his attack.
Diablos comes complete with a plethora of useful abilities. Mug is perhaps the best of the best. You can easily steal needed items from your enemies (And if you keep Squall in HP critical for limit breaks, it is a good way to know it is him). Enc- Half and Enc-None are very useful, when trying to get through area's with time limits, or if you just do not feel like battling. Hit-J gives your party a boost in hitting ability, and the HP+20/40/80% are great boosters, especially if you get him early in the game.

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