Final Fantasy VIII

The brothers are located in the Tomb of the Unknown King. You must solve the tombs puzzles, and defeat the duo. Afterwards, they are yours to call on.

final fantasy viii gf brothers
Elemental: Earth
Attack: Brotherly Love
Level HP Atk. Power
7 670 529
10 824 632
20 1406 977
30 1996 1322
40 2594 1667
50 3200 2012
60 3814 2357
70 4436 2702
80 5066 3047
90 5704 3392
100 6350 3737
Ability AP Opens Ability AP Opens
HP-J Learned None HP+40% 120 HP+80%
STR-J 50 ELEM-ATK-J HP+80% 240 HP Bonus
SPR-J 50 ELEM-DEF-J Cover 100 None
ELEM-ATK-J 160 None HP Bonus 100 None
ELEM-DEF-J 100 None SUMMAG+10% 40 SUMMAG+20%
Magic Learned None SUMMAG+20% 70 SUMMAG+30%
GF Learned None SUMMAG+30% 140 None
Draw Learned None GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
Item Learned None GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+30%
Defend 100 None GFHP+30% 140 None
HP+20% Learned None Boost 10 None

The Brothers attack is earth-based, and that makes for great damage to those touching the ground. But if the enemy is airborne, or has immunity to earth, avoid using them in a fight.
Simply the best two abilities for Brothers is the HP+80%, and HP Bonus. If you can get them early enough in the game, you have a great chance for getting a character in the higher HP range. If you are the Paladin type, Cover gives you the ability to defend your allies. This is good, if they are within a shot of being KO'ed.

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