Final Fantasy VIII

Access Squall's study panel, to get both Quezacotl and Shiva.

final fantasy viii gf quezacotl
Elemental: Lightning
Attack: Thunder Storm
Level HP Atk. Power
1 300 275
10 754 572
20 1266 902
30 1786 1232
40 2314 1562
50 2850 1892
60 3394 2222
70 3949 2552
80 4506 2882
90 5074 3212
100 5650 3542
Ability AP Opens Ability AP Opens
HP-J 50 NONE MAG+20% 60 MAG+40%, ELEM-ATK-J
VIT-J 50 ELEM-DEF-J MAG+40% 120 None
MAG-J Learned None SUMMAG+10% 40 SUMMAG+20%
ELEM-ATK-J 160 None SUMMAG+20% 70 SUMMAG+30%
ELEM-DEF-J 100 ELEM-DEFx2 SUMMAG+30% 140 None
ELEM-DEFx2 130 None GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
Magic Learned None GFHP+20% 70 None
GF Learned None Boost 10 None
Draw Learned None T MAG-RF 30 MID MAG-RF
Item Learned None MID MAG-RF 60 None
Card 40 Card Mod Card Mod 80 None

Quezacotl is lightning-based. This will make him a great asset against machinery, or anything weak to thunder.
Quezacotl possesses some great abilities to have early in the game. Card, is awesome for those of you looking to get your deck some better cards. You will definitely want to get Card Mod as well. This will allow cards to be refined into items.
T-MAG-REF allows you to refine thunder and wind magic from extra items you get. When you learn T-MAG-REF, you will want to get MID-MAG-REF. This ability will let you change those low level spells into mid-level spells.

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