Final Fantasy VIII

final fantasy kingdom, final fantasy viii gf gilgamesh
Elemental: None
Attack: Varies
Gilgamesh appears at the end of the final fight with Seifer, providing you got Odin before hand. From that fight on, Gilgamesh takes Odin's place. The difference between the two GF's is Gilgamesh can appear at any time during battle. He can also appear during boss fights. This is something Odin could not do.
He has four different attacks, that are determined by the sword he uses:
Zantetsuken - The same as Odin's attack. All enemies are defeated.
Masamune - Extreme damage to all enemies.
Excalibur - Strong damage to all enemies.
Excalipoor - 1 Pt damage to all enemies.

It should be noted that the first time you see Gilgamesh, he will mention the "N-Zone". It would seem this is a nod towards his first appearance in Final Fantasy V, where X-Death cast him into the N-Zone. Excalipoor is also the weapon he tried to use against Bartz in Final Fantasy V.

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