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 Final Fantasy Kingdom

   - NES

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   - PS1

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   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Misc. Stuff

   - PSP

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Misc. Stuff
   - Bonus Dungeons
   - Labyrinth of Time

   - NES
   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation

   - PS1
   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Memory Game

   - PSP
   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Memory Game
   - Soul of Rebirth

   - NES
   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Jobs
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Onion Knight

   Coming Soon!

   - SNES
   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Secrets

   - PS1
   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Developer's Room
   - Secrets
   - Hidden Items

   - DS
   - Game Info
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   - Augments
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   - Summons
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Developer's Room
   - Secrets
   - Whyt

   - PSP
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   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Cave of Trials
   - Lunar Ruins



   - SNES
   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Jobs
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Blue Magic
   - Abilities
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Relics
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - Optional Bosses
   - World Maps
   - Transportation
   - Misc. Quests
   - Chemist List

   - PS1
   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Jobs
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Blue Magic
   - Abilities
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Relics
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - Optional Bosses
   - World Maps
   - Transportation
   - Misc. Quests
   - Chemist List



   - SNES
   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Limit Breaks
   - Skills
   - Magic
   - Espers
   - Lore Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Relics
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Hidden Characters
   - Misc. Quests
   - The Opera
   - Imperial Banquet
   - Secrets
   - Colosseum

   - PS1
   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Limit Breaks
   - Skills
   - Magic
   - Espers
   - Lore Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Relics
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Hidden Characters
   - Misc. Quests
   - The Opera
   - Imperial Banquet
   - Secrets
   - Colosseum

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Limit Breaks
   - Magic
   - Enemy Skills
   - Summons
   - Materia
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Hidden Characters
   - Chocobo's
   - Ultimate Weapons
   - Ultimate Limit Breaks
   - Gold Saucer
   - Ancient Forest
   - Wutai
   - Gast's Reports
   - Cloud's True Past
   - Vincent's History
   - Dating Game
   - Misc. Quests
   - PC Achievements

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Limit Breaks
   - Magic
   - Blue Magic
   - Guardian Forces
   - Weapons
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - Devour List
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Triple Triad
   - Card Quests
   - Chocobo Forests
   - Deep Sea Research Facility
   - Centra Ruins
   - Misc. Quests
   - SeeD test & Pay
   - Eyes On Me
   - Omega Weapon

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Trance
   - Abilities
   - Skills
   - Magic
   - Blue Magic
   - Eidolons
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Add-Ons
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Tetra Master
   - Chocobo Hot & Cold
   - Chocographs
   - Mognet
   - Stellazio Coins
   - Optional Bosses
   - Mini-Games
   - Misc. Quests
   - Funny Shots
   - Lyrics

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Sphere Grid
   - Magic
   - Aeons
   - Items
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Lyrics

   - Game Info

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Quickenings
   - License Board
   - Gambits
   - Magick
   - Espers
   - Technicks
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Rare Game
   - Marks
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Hunts
   - Bazaar
   - Optional Bosses
   - Hidden Espers
   - Nabudis
   - Clan Centurio/ Clan Primer

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Summons
   - Components

   - Game Info

   materiaCompilation of VII

   - Game Info

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - D.M.W.
   - Limit Skills
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Materia
   - Materia Fusion
   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Shop Lists
   - Minerva

   - Movie Info
   - Characters
   - Voice Actors
   - Producers
   - Game Difference

   - Story

   - Noevela Info
   - Case of Denzel
   - Case of Tifa
   - Case of Barret
   - Case of Yuffie
   - Case of Nanaki
   - Case of Lifestream
   - Case of Shinra

   - Movie Info
   - Characters
   - Voice Actors
   - Producers
   - Special Features

   - Game Info
   - Gameplay
   - Characters
   - Limit Breaks
   - Materia
   - Guns
   - Barrel Parts
   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - Omega WEAPON
   - Memory Capsules
   - Extra Mission Capsules
   - Voice Actors
   - Redemption

   - Game Info

   materiaFinest Fantasy For Advance

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Misc. Stuff
   - Bonus Dungeons

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Memory Game
   - Soul of Rebirth

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Developer's Room
   - Secrets
   - Cave of Trials
   - Lunar Ruins

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Jobs
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Blue Magic
   - Abilities
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Relics
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - Optional Bosses
   - World Maps
   - Transportation
   - Misc. Quests
   - Chemist List
   - Combine List
   - Sealed Temple
   - Cloister of the Dead

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Limit Breaks
   - Skills
   - Magic
   - Espers
   - Lore Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Relics
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Maps
   - Transportation
   - Hidden Characters
   - Misc. Quests
   - The Opera
   - Imperial Banquet
   - Secrets
   - Colosseum
   - Dragon's Den
   - Soul Shrine


   - Info/Video

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Garment Grids
   - Dresspheres
   - Magic
   - Blue Bullets
   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Bosses
   - Transportation
   - Lyrics

   - Game Info

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Summons

   materiaFabula Novis Crystallis

   - Game Info

   - Characters

   - Game Info

   - Game Info


   Coming Soon!

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Jobs
   - Magick
   - Summons
   - Abilities
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Helmets
   - Shields
   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Lucavi
   - Errands

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Jobs
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Totema
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Bestiary

   - Game Info

   materiaCrystal Chronicles

   - Game Info

   - Game Info

   - Game Info

   - Game Info

   - Game Info

   - Game Info

   materiaFilm / OVA / Anime

   - Movie Info
   - Characters
   - Voice Cast
   - Lyrics
   - Easter Eggs
   - Special Features

   - Series Info

   - Series Info


   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Enemies
   - Bosses
   - Monster Transformations

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Enemies
   - Bosses
   - World Map

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Battle Fields

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - EX Mode
   - Abilities
   - Summons
   - Weapons
   - Hand Armor
   - Head Armor
   - Body Armor
   - Accessories
   - PP Catalog
   - Player Icons
   - Cosmos Reports
   - Chaos Reports
   - Museum
   - Accomplishments
   - Level Up Trick


   - Story Mode
   - Arcade Mode
   - Duel Colosseum
   - Quick Battle

   - Game Info

   - Game Info
   - Jobs
   - Weapons
   - Enemies
   - Bosses
   - Locations
   - Achievements
--------Premium Content--------

   - Characters
   - Weapons
   - Enemies
   - Bosses

final fantasy ix tetra master logo

final fantasy ix tetra master card
General Information
Card Locations
Phantom Card Masters
Player Rank
final fantasy ix tetra master card

The game ranking system allows you to judge your ranking as a Tetra Master player. Your score increases according to the number and kind of cards you collect. You are ranked according to the following criteria, 1,700 points being the maximum possible.
Each new image card earns you 10 pts. Duplicate cards will not increase your points. Thus, the total score by card image is 1,000 pts.
Each new arrow combination worth 5 points. There are a total of 256 different arrow combinations. With a limitation on cards you can hold, the total score by arrows is 500 pts.
Each X-Attack card is worth 1 pt, while an A-Attack card is worth 2 pts. P and M-Attack cards are not worth anything. Thus, the total by Attack Type is 200 pts.

You can view your current rank by viewing the card menu (Found in the main menu). Here you can also see how many games you have won, lost, and drawn.If you can manage to gain all 1,700 points you will be the envy of your friends, as well as the other Tetra Master players in Gaia. Sadly though, this is the only reward you will get for this feat. The game gives you nothing for all your hard work. Below shows what rank is aquired with a certain amount of points.

Level Points Rank Name
1 0 Beginner
2 300 Novice
3 400 Player
4 500 Senior
5 600 Fan
6 700 Leader
7 800 Coach
8 900 Advisor
9 1000 Director
10 1100 Dealer
11 1200 Trader
12 1250 Commander
13 1300 Doctor
14 1320 Professor
15 1330 Veteran
16 1340 Freak
Level Points Rank Name
17 1350 Champion
18 1360 Analyst
19 1370 General
20 1380 Expert
21 1390 Shark
22 1400 Specialist
23 1420 Elder
24 1470 Dominator
25 1510 Maestro
26 1550 King
27 1600 Wizard
28 1650 Authority
29 1680 Emperor
30 1690 Pro
31 1698 Master
32 1700 The Collector