
xenogears character fei
Fei Fong Wong Fei was brought to the small village of Lahan 3 years ago. He has little to no memory of his past before then. He is an excellent artist, and has great skill with Martial arts. But everything changes the night Gears battle in the village.
Birthplace Unknnown
Age 18
Gender Male
Height 5'11"
Weight 147 lbs
Specialty Martial Arts
Gear Weltall, 2, Xenogears

xenogears character elly
Elhaym Van Houten Elly is a spy for the Solaris Army. Her main job is stealing the Gear models from the rival Kilsev. She was chased down in her latest mission, and by chance meets Fei. This meeting will forever change Elly's life.
Birthplace Solaris
Age 18
Gender Female
Height 5'6"
Weight 101 lbs
Specialty Rods
Gear Vierge, El-Vierge

xenogears character citan
Citan Uzuki Citan is Lahan's resident Dr. His past is completely shrouded in mystery. No one knows where he comes from, or why he came to Lahan. He loves to tinker with machines, and has a knack for fixing them.
Birthplace Solaris
Age 29
Gender Male
Height 6'1"
Weight 150 lbs
Specialty Martial Arts
Gear Heimdal, Fenrir

xenogears character bart
Bartholomew Fatima Bart is the young leader of a group of Sand Pirates. His true identity is the Crown Prince of Famita. He is struggling to reclaim his kingdom from Shakhan. He is a bit hot tempered and reckless though. He prefers the shoot first method, much to the dissmay of his crew.
Birthplace Bledavik
Age 18
Gender Male
Height 6'1"
Weight 158 lbs
Specialty Whips
Gear Brigandier, Andvari

xenogears character rico
Ricardo Banderas Rico is a Demi-Human from the imperial capital of Kilsev. Through genetic experimenting Rico was created. He is the reigning champion of the Battling Arena. Though a prison of the D-District, he lives better than most nobles of the city.
Birthplace Kilsev
Age 30
Gender Male
Height 7'0"
Weight 352 lbs
Specialty Wrestling
Gear Stier, El-Stier

xenogears character billy
Billy Lee Black Billy lost his mother to Wels, and his father disappeared. He now has devoted himself to caring for his sister Prima, who lost her voice with the shock of their mothers death. At the request of the Bishop, Billy has become an Etone to help destroy Wels.
Birthplace Aquvy Isles
Age 16
Gender Male
Height 5'7"
Weight 130 lbs
Specialty Guns
Gear Renmazuo, El-Renmazuo

xenogears character maria
Maria Balthazar Maria and her father used to live in Solaris, but she had to escape to Shevat. Though she is small in stature with little to no power, she is formatable none the less. This is thanks to her massive Gear Seibzehn. Whether she is piloting it or not, she can reek havok pretty much anywhere.
Birthplace Terrane Area
Age 13
Gender Female
Height ?
Weight ?
Specialty --
Gear Seibzehn

xenogears character chu chu
Chu Chu Chu-Chu is part of a race of creatures thought to be extinct. She was brought down to the planet by Wiseman, and somehow wound up in the company of Margie. Her race was shrank by scientists, and thought to be destroyed. It is later leared that in fact the race has been sheltered by Shevat all this time.
Birthplace ?
Age ?
Gender Female
Height ?
Weight ?
Specialty Magicks
Gear N/A

xenogears character emeralda
Emeralda Kasim There is little to no information on Emeralda, or how she came to be. A product of Nano-engineering, she has the ability to distort her body into weapons that can be very damaging. Though it is not clear as to why, but Emeralda seems to have some connection to Fei and Elly.
Birthplace Zeboim
Age ?
Gender Female
Height ?
Weight ?
Specialty Ether
Gear Cresens

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