Dragon Warrior II

Main Characters

dragon warrior ii character hero Hero You are a descendant of Erdrick, and this time around you must join forces with 2 other descendants, The Prince of Cannock and Princess of Moonbrooke to defeat your enemies.
dragon warrior ii character prince of cannock Prince of Cannock Your cousin of Cannock. He is a brave warrior and is a fast learner when it comes to magic.
dragon warrior ii character princess of moonbrooke Princess of Moonbrooke The Princess of Moonbrooke does not show her true beauty until looking in the Mirror of Ra, which breaks the curse placed on her.
dragon warrior ii character hargon Hargon Hargon put an end to years of peace with his attack on Moonbrooke Castle. Your mission is to terminate his reign as leader of evil, and restore peace to the land of Torland.
dragon warrior ii character dragonlord's grandson Dragonlord's Grandson The grandson of the legendary Dragonlord. This fiery fiend is actually against Hargon, and gives you encouragement to defeat him.

 Dragon Warrior Series
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